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We need to talk about......D365 for Customer Service......Customer Service Admin Center App

Today I wanted to talk about a feature that is currently in preview, but will start finding it way onto D365 Customer Service deployments over the next few months as part of the release plan for Release Wave 1 2022, and that features is..............the new Customer Service Admin Center App.

In this post I will discuss the administrative actions that have been consolidated into the first version of the new Customer Service Admin Center for Dynamics 365.

Landing Page

This brand new app essentially consolidates the admin experience for Customer Service Hub and Omnichannel for Customer Service. At the moment these two existing apps still appear within the app selector, we can only assume they will disappear in due course.

The app itself will make it easier for administrators as they can now access all of the Omni-channel and Customer Service settings in one place. In terms of access, there isn't anything you need to configure, the app will simply appear once your instance has been upgraded.

  • Customer Support: From here you can manage users, channels (if Omni-channel is installed) queues, routing, work streams, case settings (the ‘other settings are the service configuration settings from Customer Service Hub) and Customer Service settings. Each section has a very intuitive Overview section which at a glance allows administrators to visualize each area they are working on. So very quickly I can see we have 299 users setup, 2 SLA's and 1 Customer Service calendar. In order to manage and make changes to the configuration of each, we simply click into the area using the View All option to the right hand side.

  • Agent Experience: This section allows us to manage Work spaces (agent experience profiles, session templates, application app templates, and notification templates), Productivity (Email templates, Agent scripts and Macro’s) Knowledge Base Articles and the ability to turn tables on/off for record management. The overall general management of knowledge base articles, knowledge categories, knowledge filters, portal settings, article templates and search providers. Again, an Overview section exists to organise and highlights key pieces of information regarding the Work Spaces, Templates and KB's currently deployed and utilised.

  • Operations: This last section represent all the reporting settings, Calendar settings for the Customer Service calendar and the holiday calendar. Service terms (All SLA and entitlement settings), Service Scheduling and Miscellaneous, Analysis jobs, ARC and SLA migration settings, and IoT settings.

Fundamentally this new app is the merger of around 3 or 4 different apps that administrators will have been leap frogging between to date. So it is an excellent move in the right direction from an administrative point of view as all configuration and general Customer Service settings are now in one consolidated app.

Hope you all enjoyed this post on the new Admin Center experience of Customer Service. I will continue this series with some additional content specifically related to Marketing and Customer Service. Take Care, Speak Soon!

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